Tuesday, November 2, 2010

luv u my fndz !

no mood to read NP n SPM ( tom exm) hmmm thought of writing a small note to my dearest fndz

i dono wat i was to dem... wat am i to dem... wat ill b after an yr

an unusual bonding which always tags me virtual to my pals

i share my secrets ....i share my jealous....my hatred ... wat not !

hmmm ppl say FNDSHIP....to me its more than that an ETERNAL feeling

LOVE you all ra !

@charan : very similar to my thoughts ( but acts differently ) appreciates my work ! stands with me when needs, i share almost all with him.Ppl think we are best fndz but i say we are social selfists ! wrking for own benefits mutually with spicy happiness !

@rakshith : he understands me alot... every act i do has a cause and he believes in my acts ! he is lazy to work but never to help ! always boosts my moral confidence and hinders over confidence ! i never prefer to go for a movie or hangout without him !

@santosh : pure in heart emotionally mentally but not physically ! seeks more happiness with materialistic fndz than us ! i admire him alot .... equaling me in studies and logistics ! evergreen handsome and macho ! superman of r class !

@vamsi : most innocent and caring person i have ever seen ! least priority is he but not we to him ! never thinks for his benefits ! only problem is acts very unmatured ! wrongly timed actions ! no priorities to work n fndz too ! n i surely claim he is my best fnd !

@swetha : i like her a lot ! very sweet in heart but not in words n decisions ! has a very similar attitude like me ! thinks of she given the first priority but unfortunetly im a social selfish guy its always 'I'....! never accepts the facts directly ! wat ever it is she is my best fnd too !feel like sharing everything to her !

@deepti : most lovable girl ever ! understands a guy more than a guy ! always with me in pain and pleasure ! my attitude is her problem but she adjusts to it comfortability ! i always prefer to discuss critical issues with her ! more than a sister to me !

@sharanya : pretty cute girl with no flesh ! childish in acts and thoughts ! love to tease her ! a bit orthodox in acts ( expects presonal inviations etC) ! competitive in nature but tender in feelings ! easily manipulative !

@me : most idiotic in thoughts profound but sometimes foolish in acts ! love myself !

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