I choose… Works…
- Work for that which yields long term results…(prepared for GRE 3 yrs in advance..prepared for Core JAVA 6months in advance…Adv java in 2 yrs advance…Planning for a big Organization(social welfare) )
- Work for uniqueness..( what ever i do..i just see that its something different…CSERockz first student web portal from our college…Birthday Wishes..20 languages..20 hrs..20 diff sims..one wish happy Birthday..)
- Brand mark( the work should and must depict me and my efforts…Identity is what make us a leader)
- Planning..( i spend 70 % of my time for planning and foundation..regardless of executing the plan or not..i put everything on paper and it happened many a times that..we planned perfectly and dint even start it…but still we plan rigorously…i jus belive that im always a step ahead of my fndz coz of my perfect planning..)
- Team Work..(my strength is my team..i choose da best of da best to my works done…Im very lethagic, i just pass orders…i see that work is done on time with perfection)
- Commitment..(if a work is started ..it has to be completed at any cost on time..and i declare myself as a loser if i failure to do that…)
- Divide and Conquer…( this is the best and fast working strategy of any work…i implement this in all my works..)